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NC Budget corruption


Posted 7:43 am, 09/29/2023

Theesy, just think of all the cell phones Coop could be getting for the younguns like they are getting free lunches also with all the extrie. He could equip em all with Tickedy tocks and they could tell Lt Gov Mark Robinson's task force on the teachers who do political ads and crt's and sel's and molesters also.


Posted 7:32 am, 09/29/2023

Anti if this is such a corrupt bill why is Governor Cooper not vetoing it and bringing all this corruption to light???


Posted 12:37 am, 09/28/2023

So what you are saying Anti is improved care to pregnant women is a waste of money?

In what way is funneling $20 million of our tax money to fake organizations an improvement?

So we have the Democrat senator's side of the story. What's the other side Anti?

I haven't heard anyone give a rebuttal, so there doesn't appear to be another side.

I can confirm, though, that the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship that was to get $12.6 million is located at a residential address.

Last year the owner and sole employee (Bobbie Meyer) brought in $301,513 in grants, and 98.7% of those grants were from the state. She paid herself $150,084 in salary and expenses:

In 2017 she brought in $2,567,690, then it dropped to $487,911 in 2018. I don't know why it was so much in 2017, or why it's $12.6 million next year. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that these years just happen to correspond with election years.

The IRS form shows that she did give out the rest of the money in 21 grants, ranging from $5,037 to $10,400. Twenty of those grant recipients were in NC, and the other was, inexplicably, in Africa.

I looked up 4 of the places that she gave grants to, and all 4 are religious-based places that offers pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy, and then discuss alternatives to an abortion. They don't actually offer anything more than the health department, so they do nothing to improve care for pregnant women. Grants to them individually probably wouldn't have been approved in the state budget... which, of course, is why they were funneled to Bobbie Meyer. Considering that all 4 of the ones I looked up were the same, I think it's safe to guess that the rest of the same.


Posted 12:16 am, 09/28/2023

All these years and people still don't know how the budget works in North Carolina. You have a handful of people that write the budget up and the rest run up an expense account. The Governor claims there may be illegal items in the budget but refuse to veto the budget. The governor has aides and attorneys but there might be something illegal. The attorney general's office never said a word. As Representative Cecil Brockman(democrat) plainly stated, you need to grow up.


Posted 7:55 pm, 09/27/2023

Some things I like in the budget, some things I don't

Corn Pop Was a Bad Dude

Posted 4:45 pm, 09/27/2023

So what you are saying Anti is improved care to pregnant women is a waste of money?


Posted 4:00 pm, 09/27/2023

In otherwords, they dont care what they are losing, just as long as it appears that the power grabbers are "owning the libs."


Posted 3:53 pm, 09/27/2023

Same folks were convinced by the rich and powerful that something was being taken from them before. The rich and powerful needed the dumb and poor to fight their war for them so the rich and powerful could keep their "cheap" labor.

No different now. Same story just on repeat.


Posted 3:49 pm, 09/27/2023

Everyone needs to go look at the NC budget.

Look to see what is being cut and also look at how judicial power is being taken away.

You all have voted for people that are literally giving themselves more power.

look it up. Look and read the bill.


Posted 3:47 pm, 09/27/2023

"The woman quoted is a state senator, I can't imagine that WXII is unaware..."

So we have the Democrat senator's side of the story. What's the other side Anti? I know someone like you would never be so biased as to take just one side in to consideration ���that would be misleading.😏


Posted 8:32 pm, 09/26/2023

Hey antZ, IF these entities don't exist, who will the checks be made out to AND who will cash them?

Four of them are just a single person working out of their home, planning to get $15 million to use in any way they want.

I'm sure that the organization name is registered, but that doesn't mean that they're real.

sparkling water

Posted 6:49 pm, 09/26/2023

Gosh, think of how many babies could have been saved by giving that money to planned parenthood.


Posted 5:19 pm, 09/26/2023

Hey antZ, IF these entities don't exist, who will the checks be made out to AND who will cash them?


Posted 3:53 pm, 09/26/2023

It appears to me that they're just funneling tax money to friends, who probably make big contributions to their campaigns in return. At least 4 of the 7 organizations that are on the budget to get money don't even exist!


Posted 3:33 pm, 09/26/2023

Sounds like something that needs invesigiation. I don't see how even anti abortion folks could be for something like this. Maybe some of these right to life folks can enlighten us on the good works of these enties.


Posted 3:26 pm, 09/26/2023

The woman quoted is a state senator, I can't imagine that WXII is unaware...


Posted 3:25 pm, 09/26/2023

Hey antZ, thanks for confirming YOU always were a whiner.


Posted 3:24 pm, 09/26/2023

Why not call WXII and see if they would like to invesitgate a story such as this?


Posted 3:22 pm, 09/26/2023

Does it matter?

We all know that they all just vote the way their party tells them. Expressing your concern is completely irrelevant, all we can do is point out the corruption and vote against them.


Posted 3:20 pm, 09/26/2023

Hey antZ, have YOU contacted your representatives in Raleigh, presuming YOU know who they are, to express your outrage, both fake AND imaginary?

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